Arthritis is characterized by joint pain and swelling, as well as decreased mobility and physical weakness.
Other common symptoms include general tiredness, difficulty sleeping, and exhaustion. All of these symptoms can have a significant impact on your daily life and overall well-being.
We have all-natural pain relief options at our clinic for anyone suffering from arthritis. When you work with us, you won’t have to resort to surgery or opioids, and you’ll be able to resume normal arm movement right away.

Auto Injuries
Even a “minor” crash can result in serious injuries like ligament sprains. This can lead to chronic pain and disability if not treated properly. In fact, research shows that early treatment is the best way to prevent long-term symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments are effective because they help restore the healthy, normal function of your nervous system without the use of drugs or surgery.

Back Pain
Symptoms of back pain can range from moderate to severe and debilitating. Back pain can limit your range of motion and negatively impact your ability to do daily tasks and enjoy life. If you’re experiencing chronic discomfort, see your doctor right away.
Each patient’s treatment is tailored to their personal needs based on the results of their first evaluation and subsequent spinal monitoring throughout their course of treatment. The ultimate goal is to get back to your old self.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
CTS is a problem of the median nerve which runs from the forearm into the hand. When there is excessive pressure in the wrist, it causes swelling of the median nerve. This small area called the carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel at the wrist made up of bones, soft tissues, nerves, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. When the median nerve which runs through this tunnel gets compressed it causes pain, weakness, numbness or tingling in the hand and wrist which radiates into the forearm. The carpal tunnel is the most common area that gets compressed in both the hands and feet.
CTS should be diagnosed and treated early. During your consultation, you will receive a standard physical examination of the hands, arms, shoulders and neck to help determine if your symptoms are related to daily activities or to an underlying disorder. Our highly skilled chiropractor will also utilize other orthopedic tests to try to produce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Laboratory tests and x-rays can reveal diabetes, arthritis, fractures, and other common causes of wrist and hand pain.

Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative disc disease is when natural changes in the discs of your spine cause pain. The discs between vertebrae act as shock absorbers for your spine, and as you age, they begin to lose flexibility. While this is a normal part of aging, it should not cause pain. If you experience pain due to this, it is classified as degenerative disc disease.
Each disc is composed of a sturdy outer wall and a soft, gel-like inner core. When we are born, these discs are primarily composed of water, but as age advances, the discs lose some of this water content and begin to get thinner. As you might imagine, this means each disc doesn’t absorb the shocks of everyday life as well.

Headaches/ Migraines
Migraines of short or long duration that happen a lot can have a big impact on your ability to do everyday things and make your life less enjoyable.
Having pain in any part of the head is called a headache. Often, a headache that is bothering you isn’t dangerous and will go away on its own. Severe headaches that last for a short or long time and have a big impact on your ability to do everyday things and your quality of life can often be controlled or eliminated with the right treatment.
At our clinic, we can treat headaches that are caused by musculoskeletal problems or a lot of other things. Tension-type, migraine and cluster headaches, as well as secondary headaches caused by fever or an infectious disease, cranial neuralgias, and facial pain are just some of the different types of headaches.
Our office is here to help you find out if your headaches can be treated without the use of drugs or medications.

Knee Pain
Knee pain is increasingly becoming a more common problem in society. It is a complaint we see frequently.
There is a difference between short-term and long-term knee discomfort. Knee pain is common after an accident or injury, and it can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Treatment for chronic knee pain is unusual, and it’s not usually traceable to a single event. In most cases, it’s the outcome of a number of factors.
Knee pain may hold anyone back. Working on your feet might be unpleasant. Simple tasks like mowing the lawn or cleaning the floors can be difficult with knee discomfort. But don’t let it deter you.

Neck Pain
The neck, also called the cervical spine, begins at the base of the skull and contains seven small vertebrae. The cervical spine supports the full weight of your head which is on average about 12 pounds. While the cervical spine can move your head in nearly every direction, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injury.

Difficulty standing for long periods or walking without assistance are some of the effects of Neuropathy.
In the medical field, our clinic combines cutting-edge technology with traditional patient care.
Eventually, you won’t have to be told, “You’ll just have to live with it,” by your doctor any longer.
Don’t wait any longer!

Personal Injury
Our goal is to help you receive the proper care after a personal injury, auto accident or fall. Our staff is devoted to helping you obtain the most comprehensive treatments and the care you deserve, so you may maintain your quality of life after an injury and can begin to feel like yourself again.
Too often, individuals involved in an auto injury or wreck have minimal or no symptoms until several weeks after the auto accident. That is where the professionals at Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center come in, and can assist you with all aspects of auto accident personal injury recovery.

Pinched Nerve
A pinched nerve can happen in a variety of places throughout the body with some of the most common being the lower spine, wrists, neck, and legs. A pinched nerve occurs when the muscles or tendons around the nerve are inflamed, putting pressure on the nerve and either causing pain or even numbness throughout the extremities related or attached to this affected nerve.
Your pinched nerve may be caused by different physical conditions such as carpal tunnel or a herniated disc. Though pinched nerves can be painful, the majority of patients find that their pinched nerve(s) goes away on its own.
If the pinched nerve does not resolve itself and you have persistent pain that lasts for more than a few days, you should seek medical attention by scheduling an appointment at Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center with our chiropractor. This is especially true if you’ve tried at-home treatments but feel like your pain is worsening as time progresses. With pinched nerves, it’s important to seek medical attention in order to identify the underlying cause of the pinched nerve to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

Sciatica pain is immediately incapacitating, and it frequently leads to long-term incapacitation. Aside from the pain, patients frequently experience tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness in their leg, making standing and walking impossible.
Simply put, sciatica reduces your quality of life.
Anyone suffering from Sciatica can find all-natural pain relief options at our clinic. You won’t need surgery or opioids if you work with us, and we’ll be able to improve your life right away.

Shoulder Pain
Your shoulder has a broad and adaptable range of motion.
When something goes wrong with your shoulder, it restricts your ability to move freely and can cause significant pain and discomfort.
Anyone suffering from shoulder pain or other chronic problems can benefit from our all-natural pain management choices. With our help, you won’t have to undergo surgery or take opioids to get your arm working again.

Sports Injury
Here at Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center, we know how much your health can impact your athletic performance, and it is our priority to help get you off of the sidelines and back in the game. Whether you are dealing with a recurring injury or an accident from the big game, we are here to support you through each step of your therapy.
Our customized treatment plans allow us to individualize your experience and help you achieve your specific goals. We aim to treat your symptoms while addressing the cause of your pain, and we will work on establishing healthy practices to prevent future injuries.

TMJ is an abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint which connects the mandibular, or your lower jaw, to the temporal bones of the skull. The TMJ is one of the more unique joints within your body as it allows you to move your jaw forward, backward, and side to side so that you can chew, talk, sing, yawn, and more. This joint can be found just in front of your ears on both sides of your head.
Any problem with the muscles, ligaments, discs, bones, or the joint itself are known as temporomandibular disorders or TMD and refers to the actual disorder, where the jaw joint is misaligned and causing problems such as pain, inflammation, and inability to move or operate the jaw. However, these problems or conditions are often incorrectly called by the joint name of TMJ instead.

Vertigo is the feeling that you are moving when you’re not. This sensation can be triggered by movements such as turning your head too quickly or looking down from a great distance, but it is ultimately caused by problems in the inner ear, brain, or brainstem. There are two different forms of vertigo with each stemming from various medical issues: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo.
Peripheral vertigo results in a problem with your inner ear and thus your balance, while central vertigo occurs when your brain or brainstem are suffering from a disease originating from your central nervous system (CNS). Peripheral vertigo is typically more severe, and central vertigo is more gradual in its onset. Regardless of the type of dizziness you are experiencing, more than likely, your quality of life is suffering because of it.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, one of the most common causes of neck pain is whiplash resulting from a car accident. A sudden forced movement of the head or neck in any direction and the resulting “rebound” in the opposite direction is known as whiplash. The sudden “whipping” motion injures the surrounding and supporting tissues of the neck and head. Muscles react by tightening and contracting, creating muscle fatigue, which can result in pain and stiffness. Severe whiplash can also be associated with injury to the intervertebral joints, discs, ligaments, muscles, and nerve roots.

Work Injuries
Workplace injuries don’t only occur during traumatic slips and falls at work but are more often than not, the result of repetitive movements, and caused by doing the physical demands required of your job over an extended period of time. These types of workplace injuries are all too common in today’s workforce and are best identified by their symptoms.
- Lower back pain
- Shoulder pain
- Carpal tunnel and hand pain
- Disc injuries
- Sciatica (pain caused by the sciatic nerve in your lower back and legs)
- Joint pain
Being examined by a chiropractor is often the first step in identifying and treating a workplace injury through non-invasive care which is why Gateway Rehab and Wellness Center conducts thorough examinations during his first session with new patients in order to better assess their injury. Since workplace injuries usually develop over time, it’s important to share all the symptoms you may be experiencing so we can identify the root cause.